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At Mind Mosaic Child and Family Therapy Services, we are committed to providing a service which operates with integrity and promotes equality and inclusion.  We have a range of services  designed to meet the needs of the community we serve and that are delivered professionally. We provide Child and Family therapy Services Training, Family Counselling, Play therapy and Filial Therapy.

Check-in Clinics

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Support available for Inverclyde parents/ carers and professionals...
Worried about your child or teenager's mental health and not sure who to speak to or where to refer to? Often it helps to have a chat with a professional to help you make that decision and to find appropriate support...


For an individual/ confidential appointment with a qualified and experienced Therapist - call us on
01475 339019 or e mail

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Small Talk, which is part of the Foundation's Covid Response Programme, is a collection of projects that provide support to those who were most adversely affected by the pandemic, including lone parents.

The Small Talk initiative originated in Scotland, where small-scale research was conducted among young single mothers under the age of 25 who had given birth during the pandemic. This research, carried out between February and April 2022 in collaboration with three partner organisations, clearly identified the need for support during the perinatal period (from birth to 12 months) and early mental health and well-being assistance for lone parents, including during pregnancy. It also highlighted the benefits of peer support networks for the emotional well-being of young mothers and their desire for more of such support.

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WEE MINDS at Mind Mosaic Child and Family Therapies based at Ladyburn Business Centre Providing mental health support to infants, toddlers and parents delivered by qualified Play Therapists, Theraplay practitioners and Family Workers

For further information or to make a referral for infant Play Therapy and parent support call us on 01475 339019 or email on

Attachment based fun play sessions for baby and new parents to encourage healthy brain development and enhance parent child relationships

Grief and loss


Domestic violence

Parental addictions

Early intervention play therapy services for mild/ medium and complex difficulty

Sociocultural factors and other issues affecting the mental health and development of young children

Referrals include developmental trauma; parent/ infant attachment relationship difficulties

Attachment based training workshops for parents/ carers and professionals


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