The latest national news announcement this morning sadly informs the public that children's mental health issues have risen massively and we hear that 400, 000- yes- 400 thousand children a month are accessing mental health support across the UK
At Mind Mosaic Child and Family Therapies we are aware of this huge rise and the complex issues presenting as our staff team of qualified therapists, counsellors and family workers have increased in the past 2yrs in an attempt to meet the rising demand of referrals we receive- now 3 times the level received in early 2020.
We are a small local charity who are becoming more prominent these days on the national and international stage as our work as clinically trained Play Therapists and our model of support to parents and carers become well known via social media, national press and forums and most important- via evidence of good outcomes and a high quality service for children, teenagers, parents and carers who support them- and this often includes additional support to other professionals involved in the life of the child including teachers and social work staff.
We understand that many of the issues for Scotland's children are not always minor or with little difficulty- and this is the reason that we are less likely to offer 6 or 8 sessions - except for minor/ short term intervention where it is assessed at the outset that the issue is for little difficulty.
We understand that where a referral is complex that support is longer term and may involve many weeks- sometimes months of support for both child and parent until change is meaningful and beneficial to the recovery and mental wellbeing of the young person.
For example- we know as therapists that the first 6 weeks of intervention may be the beginning where the child is just starting to trust the therapist/ or approach opening up to the difficult issue presenting, therefore it is essential that support continues beyond 6-8 weeks.
Our qualified and registered therapists are trained to clinically assess the appropriateness of the referral to the service and/ or for provision of ongoing support where it is required.
Our therapists are registered and qualified professionals who adhere to an ethical basis and guideline as set by the registration bodies BAPT, PTUK and BACP, are fully insured and receive mandatory monthly clinical supervision of their cases - all of which provides confidence to the public who are accessing the service.
For further information or to arrange an informal chat prior to making a referral- contact us on 01475339019 or via e mail- children@mindmosaic.net
Mind Mosaic Child and Family Therapies are based at Ladyburn Business Centre in Pottery Street Greenock and are a registered charity SC 049103