As we journey through Mental Health Week, we look forward to welcoming a group of Inverclyde parents to the Play Therapy workshop at our therapy base in Ladyburn Business Centre this morning- which is being made possible by the National Lottery Community Fund.
At Mind Mosaic Child and Family Therapies we know that work with the child experiencing complex difficulty is not short term and often involves a long er intervention- play therapy- to achieve good outcomes that are meaningful, lasting; effect change; and effectively support the child to overcome challenge, become autonomous and gain mastery over difficult feelings.
We believe that this work should not be done in isolation but should involve parents, carers and sometimes teachers, and others involved in the life of the child. As the therapist works with the child referred on the issues presenting for him, the Family Worker engages with parents to look at the key themes emerging for the child in therapy and discuss strategies and learn new ways to help them cope and as they become the "emotional container" for their child on the journey through therapy. Parents play a critical role from the outset. Today we are privileged to present our knowledge, skill, experience and understanding of children as we work alongside the people who know them best- parents