MAY 8th ended a fantastic week of in person Play Therapy training delivery to 42 Professionals and colleagues from across Inverclyde HSCP; Education; Health and the 3rd Sector here at our base in Ladyburn Business Centre in Pottery Street We received amazing evaluation and feedback following the workshops and we are delighted to share some of this with you here...
"Excellent opportunity for local professionals to come together and receive further education around Play Therapy and learn how it improves the mental health and wellbeing of children who often require more complex and longer support"
"Excellent presenters delivered in a calm confident manner - always willing to share knowledge and insight"
"I have learned so much today - more helpful ways in which I can reflect and respond to young people who are facing many challenges in life"
"The whole experience and presentation/ the environment - was calm and I had space to think and reflect on my work and response to children in need"
"We need more of this- it was brilliant!"
"Seeing the set up of the therapy rooms was so helpful to understanding the child's need"
"So informative- educational and relaxed"
"I learned that the every day challenges for the child in trauma are not always so obvious to us"
"Good focus as well on how we as professionals also have to look after ourselves"
"Learned so much about the value of agencies working together"
"I find Sandra the Trainer truly inspirational and one of the most motivational speakers I have heard. Fabulously lucky that this Play Therapy service is local"
"Welcoming environment - fabulous staff team- my only critisism- we need much more of this!"